Together with a group of prominent businessmen, Howard helps establish Junior Achievement in Central Florida, and later helps Junior Achievement construct a headquarters building near his […]
The Dr. P. Phillips Memorial Hospital is opened by a predecessor to AdventHealth on land donated by Dr. Phillips to provide acute care services for African […]
Dr. Phillips and Howard organize the Committee of One Hundred of Orange County to aid dependents of law enforcement officers and firefighters who have lost their […]
Diversified Services, Inc. (now known as Dr. Phillips, Inc.) is established by the Phillips family to manage the family’s vast residential and commercial real estate holdings […]
The fresh fruit packing operations and principal grove holdings of the Dr. P. Phillips Companies are sold to the Minute Maid Corporation and its affiliates. The […]
The War Food Administration awards the canning plant division of the Dr. P. Phillips Company the first “A” in Orlando, the highest award given to war […]