Dr. Phillips Charities, comprised of Dr. Phillips, Inc. and The Dr. P. Phillips Foundation, honors the legacy of the Phillips family and supports organizations that live up to the motto "helping others help themselves."
As stewards of the Phillips family legacy, it ensures that charitable contributions honor and contribute to the Phillips family vision. Dr. Phillips Charities considers grants that have a significant and lasting impact on Central Florida, including capital projects and innovative programs that address critical community needs and demonstrate potential for ongoing community support.
Our Process

Submit Letter of Intent

Complete Proposal

Grant Review


Grant Reporting

Grant Guidelines
Qualified Organizations
Dr. Phillips Charities primarily supports not-for-profit organizations that serve Orange and Osceola Counties in Florida, and that have completed five full years of operation after the date of receipt of its tax exempt determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service.
Grants are made only to organizations exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. In addition, if the nonprofit organization is a supporting organization, Dr. Phillips Charities will only consider a grant proposal from either a Section 509(a)(1) or Section 509(a)(2) supporting organization per the Internal Revenue Code.
Primary areas of support include:
In addition, Dr. Phillips Charities awards grants to organizations that preserve the free enterprise system and protect private property rights.
Grant Proposal Process
For new grant applicants, please review the "Frequently Asked Questions" before starting the grant process or before contacting Dr. Phillips Charities. This will answer many questions and assist in determining whether the organization’s request may qualify for funding. Please pay close attention to application deadlines and instructions.
The Grant Proposal Process:
- Submit a Letter of Intent
- Dr. Phillips Charities reviews the Letter of Intent.
- If Dr. Phillips Charities is interested in the Letter of Intent, it will invite the organization to submit a Grant Proposal (An invitation to submit does not guarantee the proposal will be accepted.)
- Submit a Grant Proposal by the grant deadline.
- Grants are reviewed as indicated under the grant deadlines section of this website.
Grant Decision Process
Dr. Phillips Charities reviews all proposals for completeness, accuracy and consistency. The merits of a grant proposal are based on the relevance of the proposed program to the Dr. Phillips Charities’ areas of support. Several criteria of interest to the Board include, but are not limited to:
- Statistical evidence from an independent source or study that show an important community need that will be addressed by the proposed project;
- Innovative, cost-effective approaches that include the cooperative effort of several community groups and/or other non-profit funders;
- Programs that are sustainable past the grant period;
- Proposed community impact that is consistent with the level of requested funding; and/or
- Demonstrated expertise among those individuals who will guide and/or staff the project.
- At the sole discretion of the Board of Directors, an organization requesting grant funding of $100,000 or less, may be requested to provide a site visit for the Grant Manager and a minimum of two board members.
- An organization requesting more than $100,000 may be invited to participate in a grant review meeting prior to a final funding decision being made by the Board of Directors. After a grant funding decision is reached, the organization will receive written notification regarding the outcome.
Grant Reports
Organizations that receive a grant from Dr. Phillips Charities generally are required to submit a progress report within six months after the grant award and a final report one month after completing the grant project. Progress report forms will be provided for all funded grants.
Only organizations that meet eligibility requirements, submitted a Letter of Intent, and were invited to apply by Dr. Phillips Charities may submit a grant proposal through the online portal (provided in the invitation). Grant proposal deadlines are as follows:
Letter of Intent Cutoff Dates | Grant Proposal Due Dates | Board Decision Date |
December 2, 2024 | January 6, 2025 | April/May 2025 |
April 4, 2025 | May 2, 2025 | August 2025 |
August 1, 2025 | September 5, 2025 | November 2025 |

1. What is Dr. Phillips Charities?
Dr. Phillips Charities is comprised of two separate, nonprofit, philanthropic organizations: The Dr. P. Phillips Foundation and Dr. Phillips, Inc. These two organizations are committed to enhancing the quality of life in Central Florida by using their resources to make meaningful change in the lives of Central Floridians.
2. What is the difference between The Dr. P. Phillips Foundation and Dr. Phillips Inc.?
The Dr. P. Phillips Foundation is a private foundation. The rules governing private foundations require it to distribute at least 5% of its average assets each year to qualified beneficiaries.
Dr. Phillips, Inc. is a Type III supporting organization. The rules governing Type III supporting organizations require it to distribute the greater of 3.5% of its average assets each year or substantially all of its annual adjusted net income to the supported beneficiaries named in its Certificate of Incorporation.
3. How much does Dr. Phillips Charities distribute to nonprofit organizations in Central Florida each year?
On average, Dr. Phillips Charities currently distributes $10 million to $12 million per fiscal year.
4. If both The Dr. P. Phillips Foundation and Dr. Phillips Inc. award grants, why is there only one grant proposal?
The Dr. P. Phillips Foundation and Dr. Phillips Inc. jointly review grant proposals. Therefore, it is not appropriate to submit separate proposals for the same project to each entity. After submitting a Letter of Intent and being invited to submit a full grant proposal, your organization’s grant proposal will be considered by the Boards of both Dr. Phillips Charities. If, after thorough review, either of the Dr. Phillips Charities is interested in funding the proposal, the separate Boards of Directors will determine which entity will make the grant.
5. What does Dr. Phillips Charities fund?
Dr. Phillips Charities makes grants that will have significant and lasting impact on the Central Florida community, including:
- Worthy capital purposes, or
- Innovative projects that address a critical community need and demonstrate a potential for ongoing support from the community.
Grant proposals from well-managed, fiscally sound organizations that address Dr. Philips Charities’ areas of support are given highest priority. These interest areas currently are: Education, Children and Youth Services, Arts & Culture, Healthcare, and Social Services. Dr. Phillips Charities also supports nonprofit organizations that seek to preserve the free enterprise system and protect private property rights.
6. Does Dr. Phillips Charities have a geographical focus?
Dr. Phillips Charities accepts grant proposals from organizations that provide services in Orange and Osceola Counties. Funding for organizations outside of this geographic area currently are not considered. Contributions also may be made to a limited number of national organizations whose missions reflect the mission and values of Dr. Phillips Charities.
7. Must an organization be tax exempt to apply?
Yes, grants are made only to organizations and institutions exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and that have completed five full years of operation from the date of receipt of its tax exemption determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service. An organization’s IRS exemption determination letter must clearly state its 501(c)(3) status and its 509(a) status and must be dated no more than 10 years previous to the date of the application.
8. What is the typical size of grant awarded?
Dr. Phillips Charities awards grants ranging from a few thousand dollars to more than $1 million dollars. The size of the grant depends upon the purpose of the request, the scope and significance of the project, the overall budget of the organization, and the diversity of the organization’s funding sources.
9. Are multi-year grants considered?
Yes, but single-year applications are preferred. Multi-year proposals are considered when the proposed project requires more than one year to achieve its objectives and to become sustainable. Grants for a particular project or program are made on a one-time-only basis.
Pledges generally do not exceed a three-year period and the pledge for each year is dependent upon the successful completion of the previous year, compliance with the terms and conditions of the grant, and the continued financial ability of Dr. Phillips Charities to fund the pledge.
10. How often may an organization apply for funding?
Multiple grants in a 12-month period are discouraged. Organizations with a current grant are encouraged not to apply until after the current grant has been completed. However, exceptions may be made for unusual circumstances. Organizations desiring feedback on whether such unusual circumstances exist are advised to contact Dr. Phillips Charities to discuss the specifics.
11. Is funding awarded for routine operating expenses?
Generally, grants are not made for routine operating expenses. However, grants have been awarded to expand innovative programs to serve more people or to continue effective programs for a limited time period (generally no more than six months) until ongoing funding can be stabilized. Organizations with questions about whether a specific request fits within these guidelines may contact Dr. Phillips Charities for more direction.
12. Are there other things that Dr. Phillips Charities does not fund?
Dr. Phillips Charities does not fund:
- individuals, private foundations, or Type III supporting organizations defined under Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;
- private schools for projects;
- social, religious, fraternal or veteran groups for projects that primarily benefit their own members or adherents;
- the retirement of an organization’s accumulated debt;
- legislative lobbying or other political purposes;
- the purchase of vehicles.
Proposals for endowments, research, trips or tours, scholarships, conference attendance, newsletters or other promotional materials, magazines or books, and television, video or audio production are discouraged.
13. Does Dr. Phillips Charities require reports after a grant has been received?
In most cases, at the end of six months and after a year, Dr. Phillips Charities requires both a programmatic report compared to the objectives in the grant and a financial report compared to the budget line-items in the grant along with a supporting spreadsheet or accounting report. If grant dollars remain after that time, subsequent report dates and requirements will be determined as appropriate.
14. Can requests be submitted at any time?
Letters of Intent are accepted anytime of the year. The Letter of Intent cutoff dates function to determine which grant cycle will apply if the organization is invited to submit a grant proposal.
If your organization is invited to submit a grant proposal, there are three grant cycles each year that have deadlines. Following the timely submission of a grant proposal, additional information may be required from the organization. After all the required information has been provided and the grant review process is completed, the Boards of Dr. Phillips Charities will determine whether to provide funding. Deadlines for the submission of completed grant proposals and the timeframes for their consideration are posted in the Deadlines section of this site. Pay close attention to these deadlines as they are subject to change. Late applications and incomplete applications may be denied.
15. What are the most common reasons a grant proposal is denied?
The most common reasons a grant application is declined include, but are not limited to:
- Grant proposals that do not relate to types of projects funded by Dr. Phillips Charities.
- Grant proposals that do not follow general grant making guidelines of Dr. Phillips Charities.
- Programs or services are being provided by other organizations.
- Programs that are more appropriately funded by another organization, either public or private.
- The organization does not have a viable plan for sustainability without reliance on grants.
- The organization does not have an independent audit for the most recently completed fiscal year.
- The subject of the request is of a lesser priority than other community needs, as determined by Dr. Phillips Charities.
- The request made is beyond the financial capacity of Dr. Phillips Charities.
16. If a grant proposal is denied, can an organization reapply?
If a grant request has been denied, reapplication for the same grant will not be considered unless the reason for the denial has been cured. However, if a new program or service has been developed that the organization thinks has merit and fits within the guidelines of Dr. Phillips Charities, a new proposal may be submitted.
17. Can a grant application be e-mailed or faxed?
No, all Grant Proposals are filed through our online portal.
18. What is the grant review process?
All grant proposals are screened for completeness, accuracy and consistency with the stated guidelines. Grant proposals that are missing information, contain inaccurate information, or are outside the stated guidelines may be denied. Grant review meetings or site visits may be scheduled with organizations at the discretion of the Boards of Directors. Thereafter, the full Boards of Dr. Phillips Charities deliberate and make a funding decision. The review process may take several months.
19. What is expected of an organization during a grant review meeting to discuss a specific grant proposal?
Depending on the content of a grant proposal, grant review teams from Dr. Phillips Charities will ask questions to understand if the project is integral to the mission of the organization and if it has been developed with the full knowledge of the board and staff of the organization. It is important that key board members and key staff members are present and able to participate fully in the discussion. Questions usually are asked about governance, financial management, staff capability, and program implementation and evaluation. Most grant review meetings last about 45 minutes to 1.5 hours.
20. Is it appropriate to call Dr. Phillips Charities prior to sending grant proposal or to receive guidance on how to complete the grant proposal package?
Yes. Grant seekers are encouraged to read the Guidelines, How to Apply, Deadlines, and Application sections of this site for more information to determine if they qualify for a grant. If additional assistance is needed, please contact Dr. Phillips Charities in advance of submitting the grant proposal. Our Grants Department is available to answer specific questions concerning the grant proposal format.
21. Is it appropriate to contact Dr. Phillips Charities to receive feedback on grant proposals that were not funded?
No, an organization is notified in writing about the disposition of their grant proposal after they have been reviewed by Dr. Phillips Charities. Organizations are discouraged to seek or request additional feedback.
Consideration for Grant Funding:
To submit a grant to Dr. Phillips Charities, review the Grant Guidelines and submit a Letter of Intent using our online portal. (You must first set up an account through the Letter of Intent link, log in and use the grant portal). Links are provided below. If Dr. Phillips Charities wishes to explore your organization’s proposal further, we will invite you to submit a grant proposal via the online portal. As many email servers tend to mark the mail@grantapplication.com email address as spam, it is highly suggested that this be added to your safe sender list to help ensure that you receive any emails we might send through our online portal. Should you have any questions that are not answered by our Frequently Asked Questions section above, please contact Kate Martin, Chief Grants Officer, at kmartin@drphillips.org.