Orlando Science Center KidsTown, design by Roto, photo by Roberto Gonzalez

Hi! I’m Kate Martin, the Grants Manager at Dr. Phillips Charities! Welcome to the first blog entry of “The Juicy Details”! We’ve started this blog with you in mind – and by you, I mean grant writers, nonprofit organizations seeking grant funding, or anyone who is curious about grant writing.
We’ll talk about good grant writing, share resources, and of course talk about what Dr. Phillips Charities wants to see when we receive Letters of Intent and Grant Proposals. Want to know the Juicy Details? Read below!

Our Current Focus
Our Current Focus
Probably the question I’m asked the most is…
“What is Dr. Phillips Charities focusing on right now in its grant making?”
The short answer?
Projects that make Central Florida a better place to live for everyone.
Very specific, I know.
The Juicy Details are that we trust the nonprofit community to be the experts on what “making a better place to live” means. We love our community, and see problems that could be solved, but YOU work every day to make life better for those that your organization serves.
So, if your work is Education, Health, Arts & Culture, Children & Youth, or Social Services, we’d love to hear from you about a new or expanding program or project that will make Central Florida a better place to live for those you serve. We want to know:
- What the program or project does.
- The positive change you plan to make
- Evidence that your program is based on solid practices and knowledge
- What you measure to know that the program is successful
- Why we make the best partner for you
In the coming months, we’ll share the Juicy Details on all these topics!
Oh, and when you use our online portal to submit your Letter of Intent, please answer the eligibility quiz honestly.
It only wastes your time and ours if you “get around” the questions to the Letter of Intent form! We want to have an open, honest relationship with your nonprofit organization during and after the grant consideration process, award, program delivery, and sharing what you learned through the grant period. Let’s start with the Eligibility Quiz answers, shall we? And, should you not be sure how to answer, please call!